Contact Us
The friendly staff at the office of Don F. Mills, MD, welcomes your call and looks forward to serving you. If you have any questions about our pain management services in Orange County, California, please call our office at (949) 502-5777. To schedule an appointment, you can call us or use our secure online appointment request form.
Location and Phone
Don F. Mills, MD
Phone: (949) 502-5777
Fax: (949) 502-5778
113 Waterworks Way
Suite 210
Irvine, CA, 92618

Reviews & Ratings
Your feedback is important to us. Check out ratings and reviews by our patients, and tell us how we are doing so we can ensure that each patient’s experience with our practice is an exceptional one.

Patient Education
What Hurts You?
Visit our interactive patient education library to learn more about your condition or treatment.